Monday 16 June 2014

Life as an Angler Mathew Mahen Kumar

Fishing came into my life at a very young age of 11. Me and my neighbours use to scavenge all the drains even drains filled with filthy stuffs, kids never understood hygiene you know. As times passes snakehead seem to my favourite fish to hunt because it was the only big fish weighing 400- 700grams in the drains and caught using a very popular method which is netting.. hehehe.. I use to look for snakehead fry and ill net them and put into a bottle and the next thing my bicycle speeds to my house and held the babies to safety. Keep them for one week and wen it reaches 1 inch I would sell it off to my friends for RM 1 each.. 1998 it was plenty hehehe..

Slowly I started to use my dads rod for snakehead using grasshopper as baits. Gradually this evolved me into who I am today, a simple angler with CnR practice.
Well too many sweet childhood memories distracting enough...lets get back in track.

There are this few things that we need to follow whenever we are out for fishing and also to minimize zero catch possibilities.

1)Target fish

Know your target fish or know the habitats infested in the pond or lake you are about to fish. Always keep primary target and secondary target..
Eg. Primary : Toman
Secondary : Pacu
Pick a lure that these 2 species would die for.. like spoon or vibration lures.
So less chances of zero catch.

2) Setup

Im pretty sure you have basic knowledge on setups according target fish. But what I would to add on is,
-:make sure use leader and leaders should always stronger poundage than mainline.
-: lures direct to leader without snap/pin will have better presentation..
-: you pay so much for your reel because its drag technology, use it.. dont stick dead tight.. landing a fish its all in the drag setting
:- avoid using thick leaders because fishes gets fishy.

3) Dressing code ( wild)

Do not wear striking colours or glitter stickers. We cant see the fish but they have a superb vision on whats standing at the banks.
Use dark or camouflage attires.
Always use thick pants with boots for safety purpose..
Wear gloves to avoid any cuts when lifting fish and for better grip.

4) Pin drop silence...

The only thing that should be heard is nature. Maintain a very quite steps and always stand 7-8feets away from banks and cast.. then slowly approach. Try to minimize conversation with your mates because your line carries your voice vibration to the lure. Sounds funny but its true.

5) Safety

Always carry a first aid box in your tackle box. Always perform checklist update atleast once a month.
Avoid using treble hooks and debug the barbs once single hook installed. Single hook gives you less trouble and more stronger hold once strike.

6) Responsibility

Never leave your responsibility as a son, daughter, parents, husband or wife and go fishing. Trust me u will never enjoy fishing and most probably you wont get a strike. Responsibility in many terms as possible, cash or love and care. Your loved ones playes role from home for your strike.

7) Never be Lucifer

Dont ever be jealous over others catch.
Don't get angry. Always remember anger is the first steps of zero catch progress. Kill the anger spontaneously.
Teach them guide them with full heart. No one can be a complete angler if you have a heart to share your passion with someone.

8) Thanksgiving

Always pray to God for the fruit he is about ti give and have faith in yourself and your friends too. Say Thanksgiving once you get a strike.

All over the years I was looking for people who can guide and console me on my passion. I would to drop my sincere thanks to

Mr. Logesh
Mr. Vincent Paul
Mr. Haritharan

And not forgetting the admin who took the initiative to grow this blog, Mr. Selvakumar Arunasalam.


  1. Mathew this a great write up. Perfectly said. All the best and wish you many more strikes! Thank you Mathew!

  2. Proud you grew this far never the same as who I've seen years ago. Some of the things do strike me but yeah, it's the truth so nothing to argue about it. Very good writing and I would like to see more of this kinda quality articles. All the best and I won't wish strike to you cause it just happens when you feel like fishing. May this passion brings you forward always.

  3. Great read this night. Super Matthew. Awesome point given.

  4. Proud of you anne..
    My best wishes anne..

  5. Brilliant article from a wonderful angler !
