Friday 21 November 2014

What the Line?? (Part 1)

Ever had this question pop up in your head? Should i use mono line or braided line? Why is one superior or inferior to the other. Is there really a difference between them?
So what if i used a mono line casting lures, it's still a line and deliver's my lure and present's my lure. Is there a difference?
Look at that old man sitting by the bank using a braided line, that line is plain visible dude, if i can see it from this distance, am quite sure the fish could see them.
Or how about, dang Joe, how come you're hook set is solid and sticks, and my hook set is not sticking? 

Ever had these sort of questions boggle you're mind? Ever wondered why a certain line work in certain ways? Well, i'm not a line expert by any means, but I've done some studies and research of my own, some personal observations, and some conclusions that clicked.
This may not the end be all to the question of "what the line?". But, maybe, just maybe set you in the right direction to come up with your own conclusions.

So the age old question.... Mono vs Braid's

The first thing that comes to my mind, when i pick up a line to use, is the technology and advancement of the line. How far ahead is this line, compared to my last line. What sort of niche or edge could this line gives me.

This mindset alone, kill's it for me the usage of mono. But, is mono, only all that... dead?

Not really. Mono is definitely not dead, and there are some user's who still loves them. Some even call's them the king of lines. Yes, exactly, the king of the lines... old, but still want to reign supreme.

How much has mono improved in sense of technology and improvisations to its inherent problems..
Well... Sad to say... Not much...
The technology is stagnant from last 5 years minimum. (Personal observation, no stats to prove this).

Now, if we look at the new prince charming (Well, not exactly new, there are newer lines at the other corner. We'll discuss this on part 2) along the block, the braided line. He's all loaded with technology, like a science fiction souped up hero character. Strength minus the inherent problems of the old king. But every super hero, have their kryptonite as well. No fun if they always win, isn't it...

So what's the main difference between them?

Main difference is that a braid has no memory, no stretch... Maybe a 0.003% stretch.
Other then the memory and stretch, they also;
have better knot strength.
Lesser bird nest
(Those two pointer's above may shock some of you reader's, but I'll try my best to explain and clear the air on it)

With a proper knot and proper method of tying the knot... The knot on the braid is stronger then any mono knot. So the key is to tie the knot properly, and not simply put any knot you know how to tie. Learn the specific knot's required for a braided line. But, you dont really tie a braid line to a lure directly, do you?, i know some new jigger's and some weird thrill seeker's are using braid directly, without a leader, but that's a another topic all together, we'll skip that. So you would normally tie a braid line to a mono or FC leader. So the most important knot to know for braid purposes would be you're connector knot's. such as FG Knot, Albright Knot or even a Double Duncan Knot (Uni to Uni Knot).

So on a braid... A wind knot, is easier to manage i say... With the correct amount of force and pull, pop and the wind knot will release itself many times over... Without breaking the line. This is of-course, you know you're not holding the opposing end and know for sure, you're gonna tighten it further. This require's some logic and some observation, but i'll re-iterate, it's easier to take out a wind knot so long, you know what you're doing.

And this is where the mono actually gets killed... .
I'll tell why the mono gets killed in a while..

So what is the fuss about braid.. Where it lacks?
Abrasion.. This kills braid. The kryptonite of our super hero line...

You take a mono and braid 30lbs.. Take knife to it...
The braid get's broken first.
No questions asked.

But the same 30lbs line... You pull in straight line.. Pound per pound the braid withstands better. So
the kryptonite is not all it's fussed up to be as well, as long as the kryptonite stay's inside the lead case, hero is forsaken. IE:. So long the braid is not getting abraised on sharp reef rock or some rock, you're safe.

So what do you get by using braid... First is distance, second is accuracy of presentation, third is the feeling of the terrain... Every bump, nudge, hits, and takes.

So what's the problem with mono..
Where it lack and where is stands out?

Mono... The main thing that comes to mind is the memory and springy noodle you get each time you over spool and open the bail arm...

Loss of distance due to coil memory and of course the diameter.

So why use mono... Dang Logesh, based on you're write-up, i don't think i need a mono line at all..
Hold your horse!!, don't jump to conclusions yet.... Read the whole story before deciding.

For one, less visibility under water compared to braid
Not talking about FC... Different beast all together, we'll get to this on the next part. Stay tuned.

Better resistance to abrasion.. No question's asked. King of all abrasion punishment.

But have you stretch a mono?.... And see what happens?

Let me put it like this...
A stretch on the mono line, will create heat point or weak point at different section of the mono..
And this, my dear Watson, is the main issue of mono...

The stress points will create weak section of the moon that could snap for no apparent reason.
But there is reason... For the mind that seeks, you'll get the reason.

Stress point can be caused due to a coil, a kink or due to knot or a heat point created during knot tying, as you forgot to lick the line.
Each one of these could weaken mono in multiple sections thus making the mono weak in overall applications... In long run. As the mono stretches, these week point might be stretched more then other section, and become thinner at sections.

A bird nest in a mono line may seem easy to pick and release..
But do you know how many stress point you have created...??

A stretch in than section could lead to the loss of that trophy fish..

But why use mono...? Where to use mono?

It has its application... Where you're using a life bait.. Where you need that slight shock absorption
or where the take need to be slightly delayed... let it take, let it take, don't rush... STRIKE MATE!!! Remember my dad used to say that to me...

And usage of mono lessen the stress on your equipment's no doubts.
Braid actually taxes your equipment to breaking point. Again due to the lack of stretch.
No stretch.. And you spool and gear is working overtime.

So is mono better then braid?
In some situation...
Not all..

And, definitely not applicable for the case of lure casting...

For lure, you need the fast response, the means to know you're getting a hit or a take and respond faster..

Why lure hookup rate is lower in mono...?? ever wondered?, It's mainly due to strike response time.
The time taken for you to response to a nudge or take on the lure, is faster on a braided line, as there is no stretch or minimal of stretch. Thus, transfer of energy of a set hook is more direct and reduced response time. With a mono, the stretch would reduce the speed of set hook.

So each has its applications.. But mono has certainly not moved much in advancement... But braid has moved quite a bit and advanced quite a bit.

But!!, there's a new boy wonder on the block, which is being used by some manufacturers, like MegaBass (Dragon Call) or super lines... We'll talk on them on part 3.

Stay tuned..... the question of "What the line??", haven't truly been answered for the ever seeking.....

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