Monday 10 November 2014

Passion of a Caster

What does it means to you, when I say passion


 For me passion means the surrounding emotion. And the inability to control the overflowing emotion. It's an energy that flows in my veins to materialize my emotion. To grasp that emotion, to put it to work and motion. A positive surge of accomplishment and personal accolade.

It shapes who I am today. The fuel that fire's and shapes my inspiration. Opens me up for opportunities and changes surrounding me.
It's enthusiasm and excitement for life.

And for me my passion is when I cast my line out. Give life to that inanimate object, entice the strike from the fish.

But above all... Passion comes to me when I didn't get that strike. The days I did not get a hook up, that day... My passion soars high.

When I fail to hook up a fish, or entice the fish to believe the fly I'm wiggling and stripping in, is alive... Passion comes and hits me abound.
What do I do at such situation?

First, I calm my self and my senses. I start looking around... There I spot a ripple in the water. Is that a fish? Playing subsurface? Or is that a structure obstructing the flow of the water? How I did not notice it earlier?

I strip my fly in, I pull up the leader. I check on my knot. How is that knot holding up. Is there a unnecessary bump in that knot. Is the knot well tied. Did I practice the knot enough? Can I spot the weakness in my knot? How can I tie it better?

Ahh, the wind.. It's fresh air, intermixed with the salty taste of the ocean. The breeze is kind of strong, but assuring.

This, my friends... Is passion for me. When I put myself out and look at the serenity and the beauty of my surrounding. When I get in tune with my knot, with my fly selection, the choice of color or patterns. This is when I'm truly passionate about what I do.

And the uplifting of my passion comes when I get that strong tug on the end of my line... And I savior the fight of the moment. And, at the end of the fight.. When I snap a few memorable picture to be shared, and release the master of the water back to his abode to fight again another day. That my friend is when I'm at the pinnacle of my passion..

The passion is not when you get the fish.. But the before and after the fish.

If I did not get a fish today, I'll introspect, identify and analyze.. Be prepared better for the next time. The passion is in being ready and immersing yourself for the sport.

And when I get back home at the end of my fishing day, I hear a beautiful voice coming from my beautiful home.... Acha acha... What fish you caught today!!

And at that moment, my passion turns towards my family life. And the passion to share my story with my eager to know daughter.. That's when I realize and thank God for the days I have on this earth. 

Passion may be something else for others, everyone have a view of what passion is, below i give some personal view of ICasters' Working Committee member on the;

What, Why, When and How of passion for them:

I have always been interested in the cast. I have always wanted to cast further with less effort. My first set up was a 7'UP can.. 30 lbs line rolled on it and a spark plug for weight....i learnt from a kind Malay uncle who taught this Indian boy to cast well and fast.

To cast efficiently and to the feel the line flowing out was n hear the line unravel and to feel the kinetic energy flow out from my muscles was unbelievable.

So i progressed from a tin can to a spinning set. Just a bamboo rod and then a BC.

All cast that's made, are all a searching for that feel...yes the line went out but there was something missing.
A missing of energy..of feeling of synergy. .one with the rod and line...
Yes I could feel the lure hiss out but that was all..
Yes the hit of the fish and we fought it...but, There was something missing.

Then i picked up my first fly rod..and immediately i was that small 5 year old boy standing by the straits of Johor fishing.
The movement of the fly line...the loading of the fly rod in it's casting arc..
I was literally brought to tears...
So i cast my passion...i learn to throw a weighted line.. I succeed most of the time. but i need to cast. I need to feel this everyday.

But my life robs me of my only joy...robs me of my passion. ..i need to break free...even just to stand in a cast. To feel the loading. .the movement of the line..the kinetic energy. .flowing through my fingers through my very soul...

Talking about passion..

when I started fishing at 4 years old..

my level of excitement when going for fishing never been down..till today if I have plan to go fishing in the morning, I won't sleep the whole night because, I can't.."Laughing out loud"..

There were days where I failed to even get a nudge on my bait for 4 months at pay pond..

Everyday I would go and try new flavors and bait..but nothing times i would run out of cash. At those times,  I would sell old newspapers just for fishing, eventhough I knew, I still may not get a nudge on my bait...

I seriously cant figure out what makes me to do that, but this is what passion is all about I guess.."

I started at a very young age, probably 11. Stealing  fathers hook n line, fish behind the house secretly !Priceless

My priceless moment was, me and a few buddies, went fishing, but with a barricade net. You set the net, you get into the water and you chase the fish towards the net. Caught rice sacks full of Puyu (Anabas Testedineus), Sepat (Perch), haruan (Channa Striata). Came back home proudly after dividing the fish among buddies. Get whacked for it's a dangerous endeavor with massive cane.
But my mother still cleaned the fish and fried them for me. Priceless..."

I started with Haruan (Channa Striata)...
Still stuck with Haruan (Channa Striata)...
Nothing stirs my soul like Haruan (Channa Striata) though...
In love with that fish.

The best type of fishing in my opinion....
the feeling you get seeing a arrow like movement homing in on your bait. That's priceless.."

My first experience was when I bought a RM 20 rod and reel. This was in Port Dickson. We were on a family holiday, with my cousins etc. 

We sneaked out of the crowd. Me and my cousin Bro was fishing Illegally at a resort lake. 

Baited with worms dug-up at nearby ground. Cast my first line. Caught a small Keli (Cat Fish). Released it. Cast the second time.  Out of sudden a loud sound. My rod broke in pieces. Fight was hard and strong. I have to use my hand to reel In the fish.
Took close to 10mins.
Landed a 5-7kg African Catfish.

It was a the most awesome and extreme adrenaline rush I felt.
From that day onward, I knew I was born to fish.

But I had my orgasm when I cast a BC for the first time.
Even with the crazy birds nest, and wind knot's.
Wasted lines. 
Never gave up.
Kept my spinning at home. Went fishing with a group. 
No strikes a few times because my lures were out of the water due to birds nest.

Then finally one day, after numerous practice rounds.
Got a good cast, albeit in the fields.
The feeling of a good cast, just over power's your emotions."

So, what's passion to you? dear readers...


  1. Nice and very useful information to the other caster :)

  2. Simply awesome... very interesting... passion.. The word passion has earned a place in you.. salute..

  3. excellent article president.superb write up.soul stirring.
